Dr. Jayanta Dhar
Assistant Professor of Law
drafts jayanta.dhar@nlutripura.ac.in
About Dr. Jayanta Dhar
Dr. Jayanta Dhar received his B.A. LL.B. (Hons.) from the Tripura Government Law College, Agartala, Tripura in the year 2009; and LL.M. from Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam in the year 2011. Dr. Dhar has cleared UGC NET in the year 2012. He pursued Ph.D. from Tripura University: A Central University, awarded in the year 2019. The title of his doctoral thesis is “The Human Right Perspective of Surrogacy Arrangements: A Critical Study”.
Dr. Dhar started his teaching career as a Guest faculty, from the year 2014, serving in Law Institutions like Tripura Government Law College and Department of Law Tripura University. Dr. Dhar also served as academic counsellor in Directorate of Distance Education, Tripura University; and IGNOU Tripura University Centre. He served as Assistant Professor of Law in the ICFAI Law School, ICFAI University Tripura; and IFHE Faculty of Law, Hyderabad. Dr. Dhar than joined as one of the founding faculty members of National Law University, Tripura and is serving as an Assistant Professor of Law. Dr. Dhar has also practised for over a year in the Lower Court of West Tripura as well as Tripura High Court.
Dr. Dhar has penned presented many papers on Human Rights and legal issues at many seminars and conferences, published research papers in Journals. Dr. Dhar Has also attended workshops and refreshers courses, and have also delivered invited lectures in several institutions on many occasions. He has also served as members of doctoral research committees. He has contributed in organizing of academic events either as convenor or co-convenor like Moot Court events, Seminars and Faculty Development Programs. He contributed in administrative works like syllabus review committee, NAAC documentation, Law Library preparation, mentor-mentee programs, etc. He has also served as Faculty Advisor of the 1st Legal Aid Society of NLU Tripura. He is the Centre Director of the NLU Tripura Research Centre i.e. The Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, and is also the faculty advisor of the Sports Committee of NLU Tripura.
- B.A.LL.B. (Hons.) – Tripura Government Law College, Tripura; (2009)
- LL.M. – Guahati University, Guwahati, Assam; (2011)
- UGC NET – 2013
- Ph.D. – Tripura University: A Central University; Tripura. (2019)
Research Area
Human Rights, Humanitarian Laws, Surrogacy and Adoption Laws, Reproductive Rights, Feminism, Sexual Minorities, Indigenous people’s Right,
Areas of Interest
- Human Right and Humanitarian Laws
- Public International Law & Private International Law
- Law of Contract
- Law of Crime
Book Chapters
- Chapter entitled “Socio-Legal Prospects of Gestational Surrogacy in Indian Traditional” published in book “Changing Role of Indian Women in the Contemporary Society: Issues and Perspective” (Edited by Pranami Bani). ISBN No. 978-81-926685-14-6
- Chapter entitled “Trademarks in Cyberspace: With special reference to Domain Name Disputes” published in book “Intellectual Property Rights and Communication” (Edited by K. V. Nagaraja, Deepak Upadhyaya & Sayantani Roy). ISBN No. 978-93-88881-10-4
- Chapter entitled “Reproductive Self-Determination: A Right yet to be recognized” published in book “Provinces of Human Right” (Edited by Droit Penale Publication, & Iswar Saran PG College). ISBN No. 979-8-6694-2671-2
- Chapter entitled “Women’s Reproductive Right: With Special Reference to Indian Surrogacy Law” published in book “Contemporary Status of Women” (Edited by Dr. Amitabh Singh and Shashank Chandel). ISBN No. 978-93-87200-11-1
- Socio-legal aspects of Surrogacy Arrangement from Indian Perspective, published in the Journal IAHRW International Journal of Social Science, Vol. 5(II), July 2019, ISSN No 2347-3797
- Surrogacy Arrangement in India: A Critical Analysis, published in the Journal Universal Review, Vol. X (I), January-June 2019, ISSN No. 2277-2723
- Appreciating Reproductive Self-determination as a Fundamental Right in Indian Context: A Socio-legal analysis, published in the Journal Punjab University Law Journal, Vol. XII, 13th July, 2021, ISSN No. 9715541
- Procreative Liberty and Surrogacy Arrangement: With special Reference to Right to Privacy, published in the Ad Valorem Journal of Law, Vol. V (II), April-June 2018, ISSN No. 2348-5485
- Indigeneity and Self-determination: The case of Tripura, published in the Journal Bangladesh Journal of Law, Vol. 16 (I), June 2016, ISSN No. 1609-3593
- Surrogacy A commentary on the Contemporary Practises, published in the Journal Suraj Punj Journal for Multidisciplinary Research, Vol. IX (6), June-December 2019, ISSN No. 2394 – 2886
- Participated and presented a paper on “Surrogacy Arrangement: A Gift of Parenthood in the context of Rural India” in the two days international conference on “48th Regional Science Conference on Rural Habitat, Institutions and Development: Changing Nature & Challenges” organized by Tripura University In collaboration with Regional Science Association, held from 5 – 7 January 2017
- Participated and presented a paper on “Endeavour to evaluate adequacy of legal mandates for gender justice in patriarchal society” in the two days International Seminar on “Patriarchy and Gender in Colonial and post-colonial South Asia” organized by Kabi Nazrul Mahavidalaya; Sonamura, Sepahijala, Tripura in collaboration with ICSSR & ICHR, held from 16 – 17 January 2015
- Participated and presented a paper on “ART of redefining parents: Surrogacy Arrangement and Women Empowerment” in the two Days international seminar on “Empowering Women to lead changes” organized by The ICFAI University, Tripura, held from 23 – 24 June 2016
- Participated and presented a paper on “Procreative Liberty and Right to Privacy: With Special Reference to Surrogacy in the two days National seminar on “Challenges to India’s Constitution” organized by Post-Graduate Department of Law, Sambalpur University, Odisha, held on 17 – 18 February 2018
- Participated and presented a paper on “Issues and recommendation on Cyber-crimes” in the one-day National seminar on “Cyber Law – Issues and Challenges” organized by Post-Graduate Department of Law, Sambalpur University, Odisha, held on 17 – 9 March 2015
- Participated and presented a paper on “Socio-Legal prospective of Gestational Surrogacy in Indian Tradition” in the two days National seminar on “Changing Role of Indian Women in the Contemporary Society: Issues and Perspectives” organized by J B College Women Cell, Assam sponsored by UGC, held on 15 – 16 September 2016
- Participated and presented a paper on “Language Right and Primary Education: A Pragmatic Paradox” in the two days National seminar on Educating Tribal Children: Issues and Remedies with special reference to Tripura” organized by “Institute of Advance Studies in Education, Kunjaban, Govt. of Tripura” held on 5 – 6 March, 2018
- Participated and presented a paper on “Positive Discrimination – A Means of Socio-economic emancipation of Jal Keot/ Mallah in Barak Valley” in the two days National Seminar “Socio-economic status of marginalized communities in Barak Valley with special reference to schedule caste groups ” organized by Department of Humanities and social sciences; NIT in collaboration with ICSSR” held on 30 – 31 August 2013
Invited/Expert lectures
- Resource Person: Invited as Consultation/ Resource Person in the event “Regional Consultation on Law Review of the property Rights of Women in India, Hosted by Center for Gender Justice, NLUJA, Assam in Collaboration with National Commission for Women, at NLUJA Campus, 23rdDecember 2023
- Resource Person: Invited as Consultation/ Resource Person in the event “Regional Consultation on Review of Criminal Law: Improvement in Status of Women, Hosted by Center for Gender Justice, NLUJA, Assam in Collaboration with National Commission for Women, at NLUJA Campus, 14thFebruary 2022
- External Member for Departmental Research Committee Meeting under the Department of Legal Studies, Arunachal Pradesh University of Studies. Date of event 19thJanuary, 2024, 10:00 am onwards
- External Examiner for Evaluating of PhD Thesis: Title of thesis, “Socio-Legal Study of Unorganized Tea Plantation Laborer: With Special Reference to District Dibrugarh, Assam: An Empirical Study, Candidate- Sailesh Sarmah (ABHW810006), February 06, 2024
- Resource Person: Seminar on “New Criminal Laws 2023” 16thFebruary 2024, KTDS Police Training Academy, Narsingarh
- Resource Person: Three Days Webinar on “New Criminal Laws 2023” (26, 27, 28 February, 2024), KTDS Police Training Academy, Narsingarh
- Resource Person: A Lecture on “Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act, 2012”, on 27thFebruary, 2024 at the State Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development, Agartala conducted in perusal of a DoPT, Government of India sponsored Program on “Legal Empowerment of Women” from 5th to seventh March, 2024.
- Resource Person: 2 Days Workshop on Training Material Development on New Criminal Laws on 3rdand 4th June, 2024, organized by State Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development, Agartala
- Resource Person: Workshop on “New Criminal Laws 2023” 6th, 12thand 14th June, 2024, organized by State Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development, Agartala,
- Resource Person: Expert talk at the 3rdFaculty Development Program on Changing Dimensions of Criminal Laws in India, 8th – 12th July 2024, Department of Law, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata, IEM-UEM Group, 11th July, 2024
- Resource Person: Weekly Discussion Program on New Criminal Law, Akash Wani Radion Program, 11thJuly, 2024
- Resource Person: Reproductive Self-Determination: From Gender Subjugation to Gender Empowerment, One Day national webinar on “Reproductive Choice of women: A Fundamental Right” organized by “ICFAI University in Collaboration with the National Commission for women” held on 13th November 2021