Dr. Dipikanta Chakraborty
Assistant Professor of Political Science
drafts dipikanta.chakraborty@nlutripura.ac.in
About Dr. Dipikanta Chakraborty
Dr Dipikanta Chakraborty is teaching Political Science at National Law University, Tripura. Her interest lies in International Relations, Politics of South Asia, Geo-psychology, Border Studies, Indian Foreign Policy, Human Rights, and Public Policy. Before joining NLUT, Dr. Chakraborty was associated with Ambedkar College, Tripura, Adamas University, Kolkata, and ICFAI University, Tripura as an Assistant Professor. On the education front, she holds a Doctorate and Master’s in Political Science from Tripura University.
She has attended many conferences and seminars. Dr Chakraborty has presently attended the ISA International Conference on “The Global South in International Organizations and Beyond: Transformation, Influence, And Empowerment in An Evolving World Politics” (18- 20th) December 2023 (Discussant) at Thammassat University, Bangkok. Her paper was selected for the ‘World Congress’ (Lisbon) organized by the International Political Science Association. She is an Associate member of the Canadian Society for Peace and Global Studies, the International Political Science Association (IPSA), a Life Member of the Indian Political Science Association, and the Indian Association for Asian and Pacific Studies. She is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs (A Scopus Indexed Journal).
- B.A. in Political Science (Hons.) – Tripura University
- M.A. in Political Science – Tripura University
- SET in Political Science – Guwahati University
- Ph.D. – Tripura University
Areas of Interest
Research Area
- International Relations
- Politics of South Asia
- Geo-psychology
- Border Studies
- Chakraborty, D. (2023). Impact of COVID-19 on female migrants in India and policy responses. International Journal of Human Rights and Constitutional Studies. February 2024, Vol. 11, No. 02, Pp.doi: 10.1504/IJHRCS.2022.10052432
- Chakraborty, D. (2021, August). Neoteric Nationalism in India: Secular or Religious? International Relations and Diplomacy, August 2021, Vol. 9, No. 08, 342-353 doi: 10.17265/2328-2134/2021.08.004
- Chakraborty, D. (2020, October). The Rohingya Crisis: An Interminable Journey of Statelessness. GNLU Journal of Law Development and Politics. (UGC Care List), pp. 54-77, ISSN – 0975-0193, Vol -10, 2
- Chakraborty, D. (2021, March 15). India’s Soft Power Diplomacy During Covid 19. Association of Asian Scholars , pp. 5-7.
- Chakraborty, D. (2018). India and Bangladesh Relations from the Prism of Muhari River. World Focus. ISSN 2230-8458, pp. 94-101, vol 39(10)
- Chakraborty, D. (2018). Water Dispute between India and Bangladesh: A Case Study from Tripura . International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews. (UGC recognised)pp. 427-440, ISSN: 2279–0543, vol, 7(3)
- Chakraborty, D. (2018, September 10). Emissary Tripura in India – Bangladesh Relations: A Close Discussion from the Perspective of Constructivism. Research Guru . vol. 12 (UGC recognised), pp. 246- 256, ISSN- 2349-266X
- Constructive Diagonal of India-Bangladesh Relations: The Tripura Factor (2023)
- Women Empowerment in Higher Education (2023)
- India-Bangladesh Relations in Changing in Vijay Kumar Bhatia, India’sForeign Policy. Academic Publication. Pp. 139-161, ISBN 978-93-91798-55-0, 2022
- CooperativeFederalism: Cooperation or Structural Adjustment? In K. Verma, Cooperative Federalism in India: Myth or Reality. Victorious Publishers. Pp. 329-339, ISSN 978-93-87294—2, 2021
- Indian Pluralism and the Role of Government: A Dilemma. In P. Chakraborty,Governance in Multicultural Societies: Issues and trends. Delhi: Excel India. ISBN 978-93-8384-260-5, 2014
- LocalSelf Government and Human In P. Dutta, Local Self- Government in India: Problems and Prospects. Delhi: Global Publishing House. ISBN 978-93-8156-350-2, 2014
Newspaper/Op-Ed Articles
- Paper entitled “Karbongs: The Voice of Dying Hearts”published in the Daily Guardian on 24 August 2023. See link https://thedailyguardian.com/karbongs-the-voice-of-dying-hearts/
- ISA International Conference on “The Global South In International Organizations AndBeyond: Transformation, Influence, And Empowerment In An Evolving World Politics” (18- 20th) December 2023 (Discussant) at Thammassat University, Bangkok
- Faculty Development Programme, organized by NLU Tripura (October 30-November 5,2023)
- National Seminar on “Recent Trends of Collecting, Analysing, and Sharing QualitativeResearch Data” organized by SU College, Hilsa, Patliputra University (14-15 September,2023) (Chairperson)
- NAACSponsored Day Long National Seminar on Women Empowerment in Higher Education: Challenges & Prospects, (20th June, 2023), at Ambedkar College (Convenor)
- UGC– SAP International Seminar on Development Cooperation between India & Neighbouring Countries: Possibilities and Challenges organized by Tripura University, (22-24 March) 2022.
- 59thAll India Political Science Conference & International Seminar, (26-27 March) 2022 (Discussant)
- 26thWorld Congress of Political Science, conducted by International Political Science Association (IPSA), (10-15) July, 2021
- Faculty Development Programme on Design Thinking (5- 9)January, 2021 organized byAICTE
- 10th Biennial International Conference of Indian Association for Asian and PacificStudies on From Look East to Act East: Challenges and Opportunities in Contemporary India-Southeast Asia Relations
- Threedays’ workshop on ‘Gender Budgeting for Gender Equality in Rural Areas by
- NationalInstitute of Rural Development & Panchayat Raj, sponsored by Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of
- International Conference on Opportunities and Strategies for CollaborativeHigher Education Impact in Emerging Economies by Chandigarh University in Association with United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) (18th-19th November, 2019)
- WeeklongWorkshop on Research Methodology by Teaching Learning Centre, Tezpur University (June 19-24, 2017)
- India–Bangladesh Border: Interactions and Cross Border Relations with Special Reference to Northeast India and Roads Ahead(23-24 October, 2017)
- NationalSeminar on Ethnic Insurgency and State in North-East India(February 27-28, 2017)