Library Committee

The Library Committee at National Law University, Tripura has been constituted to oversee the development, management, and strategic planning of the university library. Its primary aim is to ensure that the library remains an essential resource hub, supporting the research, academic and educational needs of students, faculty, and staff. The committee is chaired by the Dr. Debasree Debnath Assistant Professor of law, who provides overall leadership and ensures that the library policies align with the university’s academic goals. The Assistant Librarian is responsible for the day-to-day functioning of the library, implementation of committee recommendations, and acting as a liaison between the administration, faculty, and students. Three student representatives, two from the undergraduate and one from the postgraduate cohort, are also part of the committee to represent the student body’s interests., who bring discipline-specific insights and help determine resource acquisitions. Their role is crucial in identifying the academic needs of their respective fields and recommending books, journals, and digital resources that should be part of the library’s collection.


  • Comprehensive Legal Resources:To build and maintain a diverse collection of legal texts, journals, and digital databases that helps to the academic, research, and professional needs of the university.
  • Foster Research and Innovation: To support a culture of research, critical thinking, and scholarly innovation by providing access to cutting-edge legal information and resources.
  • Support Academic Excellence:To facilitate an environment that promotes high-quality legal research and education by providing access to diverse and authoritative resources.
  • Collaborative Learning Spaces:To create a dynamic and inclusive environment where students and faculty can engage in collaborative research, discussions, and academic exchange.


  • Workshops and User Training: To organize lectures that enhance students’ and faculty members’ ability to effectively utilize e-library and library resources for academic research and legal practice.
  • Infrastructure Development and Maintenance:To recommend and oversee improvements in the physical infrastructure of the library, including study spaces, collaborative work areas, and digital access points to support a conducive learning environment.
  • Open Access Promotion:To support and advocate for open access resources, enabling the university community to benefit from freely available legal research materials and academic publications.
  • Feedback and Continuous Improvement:To regularly collect and analyze feedback from students, faculty, and staff, ensuring that library services developed to meet the changing needs.



  • Manoj Biswas, Convenor, Library Committee / 9366244892

  • Nisha Ghosh, Co-Convenor, Library Committee / 6909728557