Interaction of Faculty with Prof. N. K. Chakraborty, VC, WBNUJS Kolkata
On 24 March 2025, the faculty members of National Law University, Tripura (NLUT) had the privilege of engaging in an insightful interaction with Prof. N. K. Chakraborty, Vice-Chancellor of West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS), Kolkata. The session, held at NLUT, served as a platform for academic exchange, discussions on legal education reforms, and future collaborations between the two institutions.
Prof. Chakraborty shared his perspectives on contemporary challenges in legal education, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary research, clinical legal education, and technology-driven learning methods. He also highlighted the evolving role of law schools in shaping public policy and legal practice. Faculty members engaged in thought-provoking discussions on curriculum innovation, pedagogical strategies. Prof. Chakraborty also gave tips to faculty on how to make their classes engaging, interesting and relevant.
This engagement marks a significant step toward strengthening capacity building of faculty members at NLU Tripura.
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