Kautilya Centre for Law and Economics
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Kautilya Centre for Law and Economics

Kautilya was an influential thinker in ancient India who provided significant insights on the interplay of law and economics in his seminal work, the “Arthashastra”. He viewed governance as an integrated system involving administration, justice, economy, and foreign affairs. Kautilya emphasized that economic analysis should be applied to laws concerning property and contracts, indicating a sophisticated understanding of how legal frameworks impact economic stability and development. He believed in the importance of ethical governance and the role of law in facilitating economic growth and managing resources effectively. Moreover, the legacy of Kautilya continues to shape our understanding of law, economics, and governance in todays present time.
In light of the foregoing, we can assert that economics significantly impacts the lives and livelihoods of ordinary people and society as a whole. Every nation is dedicated to ensuring a safe and sustainable life for its citizens. To achieve these economic objectives, a solid framework of laws and regulations is essential to protect the economic system and provide appropriate procedures. In this context, law and economics collaborate to establish effective set of laws and policies that guide a country’s economic activities. In this collaborative dynamic, the interplay between law and economics becomes evident as they work together to foster an environment conducive to growth and stability. Thus, the ongoing dialogue between law and economics is not merely academic; it holds the key to crafting policies that shape the future. By understanding the nuances of economic behaviour and the protective role of law, societies can better navigate the intricacies of modern economies, ensuring that the benefits of growth are widely shared and that future generations inherit a more just and sustainable world.
We are delighted to present before you the Kautilya Centre for Law and Economics (KCLE), established under the aegis of National Law University, Tripura (NLUT). This Centre is brought into existence with the primary objective of fostering research in the interconnected realms of Economics and Law, with a specific focus on comprehending the symbiotic relationship that exists between the state of the Economy and the consequent impact it exerts on the legal framework governing economic activities within the nation. The Centre is dedicated to offering innovative solutions to the contemporary challenges encountered in the realms of Law and Economics, thereby aiming to contribute significantly to the enhancement of these fields. With its relentless commitment to excellence, the Centre is poised to emerge as a beacon of excellence and goodwill in the domains it represents.
The Centre’s vision is to establish National Law University, Tripura, as a focus for legal and economic discussion, debate, and research. To realise this, the Centre will encourage collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, resulting in a dynamic atmosphere in which innovative ideas can thrive.
Research: The Centre aspires to make noteworthy contributions in the established area of research – Law and Economics which would further add on to the existing knowledge in the field.
Capacity Building: To provide a unique and privileged platform for students and faculty members alike, offering them an invaluable opportunity to augment and enrich the conventional legal education paradigm with a profound and enlightening dimension.
Interdisciplinary Collaboration: To promote the ideas Kautilya regarding interdisciplinary field of Law and Economics in India. The centre will also organize and conduct a diverse array of educational initiatives, including seminars and conferences, in addition to facilitates collaborative activities in conjunction with other interdisciplinary centres, alongside hosting esteemed guests and scholars.
Dr. Pradip Chouhan, email: pradip.chouhan@nlutripura.ac.in