Dr. Ripon Bhattacharjee
Assistant Professor of Law
drafts bhatacharjeeripon99@gmail.com
About Dr. Ripon Bhattacharjee
Dr. Ripon Bhattacharjee is a distinguished educator and legal scholar with a robust academic foundation and a passion for advancing the field of law. He earned his law degree from the University of North Bengal, Darjeeling, and currently holds the position of Assistant Professor of Law at National Law University, Tripura. Dr. Bhattacharjee’s expertise is in Environmental Law, a field in which he has earned a Doctorate degree.
His academic journey is marked by a Master’s degree in Law, followed by extensive teaching experience at prestigious institutions including Government Law College, Tripura; Alliance University, Bangalore; Indian Institute of Legal Studies, Siliguri; AURO University, Gujarat; Adamas University; and the University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. Throughout his career, he has not only excelled in classroom instruction but also taken on pivotal administrative roles, such as department head and contributor to university administration.
Dr. Bhattacharjee is actively involved in pedagogical development, exemplified by his participation in initiatives like the Erasmus+ Tuning India project. His contributions to this initiative are highlighted by the publication of a book by Deusto University, Spain, which underscores his commitment to enhancing legal education. His research work is prolific, with numerous publications in national and international journals, and his findings have been presented at esteemed conferences worldwide. Additionally, he has played a pivotal role in organizing National Moot Court Competitions, Faculty Development Programs (FDPs), and academic seminars, further demonstrating his dedication to the academic community.
A dedicated scholar and educator, Dr. Bhattacharjee’s contributions to law and education extend beyond the classroom, influencing legal scholarship and pedagogy on a national and international scale. His unwavering dedication to teaching, research, and leadership makes him a valuable asset to the academic and legal communities.
Research Area
- Published a book on Environmental Studies Publisher: Book Rivers ISBN: 9789355156471 Edition: 1, 2023 Pages: 289,
- Published a book on Cyber Crime Against Women in India Publisher : Book Rivers (9 May 2023) Paperback : 247 pages ISBN-10 : 9355158602 ISBN-13 : 978-9355158604
Book Chapters
- Corporate Data Responsibility in East Africa: Bridging the Gap Between Theory and Practice, Source Title:Balancing Human Rights, Social Responsibility, and Digital Ethics Copyright: ©2024 |Pages: 35 DOI: 4018/979-8-3693-3334-1.ch009 (Scopus)
- Apaper published as a book chapter titled EFFICACY OF LAWS RELATING TO THE PROTECTION OF DATA AND THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY WITHIN THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF INDIA, publication in the Festschrift honoring KC, Department of Law, Central University of Kerela.
- JUDICIARYAND ENVIRONMENTAL JURISPRUDENCE: AN INDIAN PERSPECTIVE, HUMAN RIGHTS AND DUTIES, chapter41, page458, published by Department of Law, University of North
- Published a paper as a book chapter titled, Green Collar Crime: A Quest ForEnvironmental Criminal Jurisprudence, in the book, Law and Emerging Issues, Law and Emerging Issues | Proceedings of the International Conference (taylorfrancis.com) (Scopus)
- TheJourney of the Doctrine of Bsic Structure Under Indian Constitutional Scheme: An Overview, A chapter to the book ‘DOCTRINE OF BASIC STRUCTURE: REVISITING KESAVANANDA BHARATI VERDICT ON ITS 50TH Published by NLU, Assam.
- Published a Chapter Titled COVID-19 on Education in the State of West Bengal:Embarking on a New Tomorrow, in the bookRECENTINNOVATIONS IN SCIENCE, HUMANITIES, SOCIAL SCIENCE AND NEW LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES, JPS, Scientific Publications, India, International Standard Book Number (ISBN): 978- 93-91342-03-6, Page 91-106.
- Locating Timber Trade in International Trade: A Conspectus of WTO Regime,Sustainable Development and EnvironmentalGovernance, ISBN987-81-8435-472-0, Edition: 2018 , Adhyayan Publishers & Distributors,New
- “IllegalLogging in India and Indonesia: A Sketch”, IIJS Vol: 2, Issue 1, Page No:132 [March 2013] [Indian International Journal of JuridicalSciences] A peer Reviewed Referred Journal. ISSN. 2278-3237. [March 2013] [India International Journal of Juridical Sciences] A peer Reviewed Referred Journal. ISSN. NO. 2278-3237. Paragon InternationalPublishers, New Delhi.
- “SustainableTimber Trade: Mechanism under Indian Forest Act, 1927”, IJLJ (2013) Vol 4, No. 1, Page206 [Indian Journal of Lawand Justice]A peer Reviewed Referred ISSN NO: 0976-3570.
- “Impact of Timber Trade on Forest Exploring the Doctrine of Sustainability as aPrinciple of Human Rights” IHRLR,2014,ISSN 2230-7036 [Indian Human Rights Law Review] A peer Reviewed Referred
- TRADITIONAL (INDIGENOUS) KNOWLEDGE: MIXING PHYSICAL ANDINTELLECTUAL ASPECTS OF ‘PROPERTY’ International Journal of Advance Contemporary Research ISSN 2394-9503, page 51 (online journal)
- Impactof Information & Communication Technology on Education: Evidence from Select Academic Institutions in West Bengal, India, PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2021) 58(5), ISSN 1553 -6939, SCOPUS indexed , P-15158
- Published a paper titled APPRECIATING THE NEW EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM:STEPS TO MEET THE CURRENT PANDEMIC SITUATION in UGC CARE LISTED JOURNAL (Journal of Education: Rabindrabharati University, ISSN 0972- 7175, P-55, VOL -XXIII,No- 8(11) 2021)
- Published a paper titled Artificial Intelligence: The road ahead for the accessibilityof persons with Disability, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2021.07.374, in Materials todays Proceeding, Publisher: Elsevier, 2 August 2021 (SCOPUS)
- Publisheda paper titled Realising the Rights of the Senior Citizens: An International Human Rights Law Perspective, in UGC CARE LISTED JOURNAL, INDIAN JOURNAL OF LAW AND JUSTICE, 12 No. 02 September 2021 ISSN- 0976:3570, P-169, Link: http://ir.nbu.ac.in/handle/123456789/4208.
- SustainableTimber Trade: An Approach Towards Social Responsibility, Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary Research Journal (Special Issue on Research and Innovation) ISSN 2319-4979, Page 43-48, UGC CARE LISTED JOURNAL, October 2021.
- Publishedin the Conference Proceedings, Attended and presented a paper on ‘A Study of Illegal Timber Trade and Its Effect on Ecology withSpecial Reference to India, Bangladesh, Nepaland Bhutan’ at the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development that was held on 19-20 February 2023, organized by United International University, Dhaka,
- Paper titled, The Intersection of Technology and Environmental Law: RecentDevelopments and Future A Publication in Scopus and UGC care listed Journal (Indian Journal of Law and Justice – ISSN- 0976-3570, is a double blinded, peer reviewed, refereed journal recognized by the UGC CARE and indexed with the esteemed SCOPUS and Hein Online)
- Useof Blockchain Technologies Against Cyber Security Threats and Increase IT Industry Security Tejo Lakshmi Gudipalli, Dipesh Uike, Gaikwad Anil Pandurang, Ripon Bhattacharjee, Nishakar Kankalla and Firos https://www.routledge.com/Computer-Science- Engineering-and-Emerging-Technologies-Proceedings-of-ICCS/Sobti-Garg/p/book/9781032521992
Newspaper/Op-Ed Articles
- Post-Covid19 Path: Clogs on Progressive Economy, Published in Economic Times Government,https://government.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/econ omy/post-covid-19-path-clogs-on-progressive- economy/76319505
- Opinion: Where is India heading to with its escalating oilprices after Russia-Ukraine war? Published in Economic Times Government,2022 https://government.economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/governance/opinion-where-is-india-heading-to-with-its- escalating-oil-prices-after-russia-ukraine- war/93692010
- “How does the Overhauled Education System Impact theIndian Economy” An article Published by ET Government in Education LeadershipSummit 2002, a special
- “Howuse of AI can help address, resolve several legal challenges” an article published in the Daily Guardian Review, https://thedailyguardian.com/how-use-of-ai- can-help-address-resolve-several-legal-challenges/ 2023
- “AUniform Civil Code may help promote gender equality” an article published in the Daily Guardian Review, https://thedailyguardian.com/a-uniform-civil- code-may-help-promote-gender-equality/ 2023
- National Seminar on the “Protection of Human Rights and the Role of Enforcement Officials” Organised by: Department of Law, North Bengal University. Paper presented: Women’s Rights and the Role of Police, 29 – 30 March, 2008.
- UGC Sponsored one day “National Level Symposium on Positive Discrimination for National Development in India” organised by: Sitalkuchi College Coochbehar. Paper presented: Rights of Women and Positive Discrimination on June 13,2012
- National Conference on Strengthening Participatory Democracy And Good Governance” (pre-summit event of the Vibrant Gujarat National education summit, 2014 ‘Towards Educating Young India’) organized by centre for constitutional and administrative law (CCAL) Gujarat National Law university in collaboration with Knowledge Consortium of Gujarat, Government of Gujarat, Paper Presented “Nothing about us without us”: Exploring The Expanding Horizons Of Democracy In India, on January 5, 2014. 8. Attended and presented a paper titled ‘A SKETCH OF ILLEGAL TIMBER TRADE IN INDIA AND INDONESIA: AN OBSTACLE TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT’ at the International Conference on “Environmental Law, Governance and Sustainable
- “The second National Conference on Law and Justice 2014” organized by School of Law, AURO University, Surat, Paper presented: “Timber Trade: An impediment to Environmental Justice” 27-28 September 2014
- UGC Sponsored National Seminar On “Human Rights and Duties: Issues and Challenges in SAARC Region, Department of Law, University of North Bengal, paper presented: Making Environment a Part of Human Rights Jurisprudence: A Review of Judicial Activism in India 15-17 NOVEMBER, 2014
- National Seminar on “Legal Education, “Administration of Justice and Contribution of Patna Law College”, Organised by Patna Law College, Patna, Paper Presented: “Significance of Legal Education” 16-17 December, 2017.
- Attended and presented a paper titled ‘A SKETCH OF ILLEGAL TIMBER TRADE IN INDIA AND INDONESIA: AN OBSTACLE TO SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT’ at the International Conference on “Environmental Law, Governance and Sustainable Development” organized by the School of Legal Studies, K.R. Mangalam University, Gurugram in collaboration with International Council of Jurist London and Law Mantra Trust New Delhi held on 17- 18 November 2022.
- Attended and presented a paper titled COVID 19 AND ITS IMPACT ON HIGHER EDUCATION: A PRAGMATIC STUDY WITH REFERENCE TO THE STATE OF WEST BENGAL at the International Conference on Disaster Management: Global Pandemic and Its Impact, organized by Binghamton University, Poland in collaboration with University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata on 25-27th January, 2023
- Attended and presented a paper on ‘A Study of Illegal Timber Trade and Its Effect on Ecology with Special Reference to India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan’ at the 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development that was held on 19-20 February 2023, organized by United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Attended and presented a paper on International Conference on Climate Justice and Sustainable Development, Jointly organized by Gujarat National Law University and Gujarat Maritime University, Paper presented : The Collateral Damage: Examining the Impact of Military Action on Marine Environment and Sustainability, 22-23 April 2023.
- Presented a paper on “A Study of Environmental Jurisprudence with Special Reference to Judicial activism in India” Two Day International Conference On Environmental Rule of Law and Justice organized by #CEDM (Centre for Environment and Disaster management, National law university, Shimla (HPNLU) PARTICIPATION IN SEMINARS/CONFERENCES/FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM/WORKSHOP
- National Seminar on “Emerging Dimensions of Legal Education and Legal Profession in India in Globalised Situation” Organised by: Department of Law, North Bengal University, 28 February, & 1 March, 2009.
- National Seminar on “Human Rights, Equality and Health: Role of State and the Citizen” Organised by: Department of Law, North Bengal University, 27 – 28 March, 2010.
- “Application of International Humanitarian Law”, Organised by: The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences (WBNUJS) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), 17-19 November, 2011
- International Seminar on “Privatisation of Higher Education and Entry of Foreign Universities in India: The Legal Challenges”. Organised by: Department of Law, North Bengal University, 26-27 November, 2011.
- International Seminar on “Good Governance, Sustainable Development and Environmental Justice in SAARC Region”, 1-2 December, 2012.
- Attended Seminar on COMPETITION LAW: “PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS” organised by Centre of Studies in Business and Corporate Law, School of Law, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar in collaboration with Competition Commission of India, New Delhi held on 10th November, 2017.
- Participated in Labour Law Conclave 2022, “India’s New Labour Codes: An Understanding Towards its Implementation, Held on 22 July, 2022, organised by Alliance School of Law.
- Participated in the One-day National e -Seminar on Contemporary Corporate Governance in India on 28th August, 2022 organized by Centre for Regulatory Studies, Governance and Public Policy, The West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata in association with Centre for Advanced Research in Corporate Law, National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam.
- Attended an International Conference on Generations For Future Generation, organized by University of Wroclaw, Poland in Collaboration with Department of Law, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. Dated 17th-18th January 2023.
Invited as Resource Person:
- Invited as a Judge in a National Moot Court Competition organised by Bengal Law College, Shantiniketan on 11-13th November 2022
- Chaired a session on International Conference on Generations for Future Generation, organized by University of Wroclaw, Poland in Collaboration with Department of Law, University of Engineering and Management, Kolkata. Dated 17th-18th January 2023.
- Invitation to be a Trainer/Resource Person for 5 Days Training Programme on Mediation with reference to Consumer Protection Act 2019 at West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata, September 2021
- Invited as Resource person, Workshop on Human Trafficking: Concern and Challenges, organised by Department of Law, University of North Bengal 31st Dec.2019.
- Invited as a resource person to give lecture on General Concept of Intellectual Property Rights, Bankura Zilla Sharadamani Zilla , Mahial Mahavidyapith 6th Sep.2019
- Invited as a resource person to give a lecture on Environmental Protection and its Liability in Tort at Knayashree University, West Bengal , dated 10th April 2023.
- Invited as Resource Person to give a lecture on “A Comparative Analysis of Abortion Laws in India and Bangladesh” at Daffodil University, Bangladesh.
- Invited as resource person to deliver a lecture on ‘Examining Climate Crisis Management: Contemporary Issues and Challenges’ at the virtual 5-day Faculty Development Programme organised by Department of Law, University of Engineering & Management, Kolkata (UEMK)
- Invited by Jalpaiguri Law College, North Bengal, as a resource person to deliver a lecture on “Blended mode of Education with Emphasis on students Particepation” on 6thJanuary 2024.
- Invited as a resource person to chair a session at the International Conference onGreen Governance, Climate Justice, Trade, and Environmental Rights” organized by Hidayatullah National Law University, Raipur on 5th June 2024
- Invited as a moderator by News Now Channel, Tripura moderated a stimulating discussion on the Citizenship Amendment Act 2019 with two distinguished guests, Shri Shekhar Dutta, a celebrated journalist from Tripura, and Shri Gautam Debnath, the former Law Secretary of the State of Tripura on June 2024.
- Invited as a Resource Person to deliver a talk on Intellectual Property Rights atTripura Institute of Technology, Agartala on 4th May 2024.
- Invited to serve as a guest judge for the “XAVJUDICE’24” moot court competition on April 27, 2024, at TheSt. Xavier’s University‘Kolkata
- Invited as Resource Person in Two Day International Conference onConvergence of Intellectual PropertyRightson Mitigating Climate ChangeTowardsa Green Economyat Amity University Kolkata
- Invited as an expert in the Synopsis Presentation of LL.M. students atDharmashastra National Law University, Jabalpur. March 2024.
- Invited as resource person to share insights as a resource person on Doordarshan Tripura(#DDNewsTripura) Channel’s discussion on India’s criminal law amendments. 29thJune 2024.
Sponsored Project:
- Sponsored Research: Completed Erasmus + Capacity Building in Higher Education “Tuning India” Project No. 585868-EPP-1-2017-1- ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP. Duration of the Project: 3 years [from 2018 to 2022] Role of Dr. Ripon Bhattacharjee in the Project: Researcher, Teacher and Trainer Main Coordinator of the Project: University of Deusto, Bilbao, Spain Total participants of the Project: 15 universities in India and 5 universities in European Union. lThe wider objective of the project is to contribute to and support the internationalization process in India through building of a framework of comparable, compatible and transparent degree programmes.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES The project is aimed to achieve the following specific objectives: To apply the Tuning methodology in Indian universities in four subject areas – Law, ICT, Medicine and Teacher Education. To develop Tuning Meta-Profiles in four subject areas. To develop, implement, monitor and improve degree programmes. To promote sub regional and international cooperation between India and EU universities. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. Source: https://tuningindia.org/.